- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1994, Volume 59, Issue 7
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 1467-1471
Zdeněk Friedl and Stanislav Böhm Electrostatic Effects in Ionization Equilibria: An AM1 Study of Reversed Substituent Effect in 5-Fluorobicyclo[3.3.3]undecane-1-carboxylic Acid
Physical Chemistry
pp. 1472-1482
Mohamed Sayed Ibrahim Structural and Adsorption Effects of Some Thiopurine and Thiopyrimidine Derivatives on their Catalytic Activity at the Mercury Electrode -
pp. 1483-1494
Bohumír Koutek, Michal Hoskovec and Josef Lazar Estimation of Critical Properties from the Number of Carbon Atoms in Homologous Series -
pp. 1495-1502
Jaroslav Nývlt and Miloslav Karel Width of the Metastable Region in the Precipitation of Lead Iodide -
pp. 1503-1510
Stanislav Žáček and Jaroslav Nývlt Continuous Precipitation of Lead Iodide -
pp. 1511-1524
Tejraj M. Aminabhavi, Hemant T. S. Phayde and Rajashekhar S. Khinnavar Densities, Refractive Indices, Speeds of Sound and Shear Viscosities of Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether Methyl Salicylate at Temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K -
pp. 1525-1535
André Micke, Peter Struve, Martin Bülow, Milan Kočiřík and Arlette Zikánová Sorption Kinetics of p-Ethyltoluene in NaH-ZSM-5 Crystals-Simultaneous Effect of Intracrystalline Diffusion and a Mass Transport Resistance within the Crystal Surface -
pp. 1536-1544
Jaroslav Machek, Josef Tichý, Alexander Martinec and Jiří Švachula Improvement of Properties of Catalyst for Industrial Production of Acrolein from Propylene -
pp. 1545-1550
Barbara Marczewska Kinetics of Zinc(II) Reduction at the Hg Electrode in WaterEthanol Mixtures
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 1551-1570
Vladimír Kudrna, Libor Vejmola and Pavel Hasal Certain Problems with the Application of Stochastic Diffusion Processes for the Description of Chemical Engineering Phenomena. Dynamic Stochastic Model of Flow Mixer -
pp. 1571-1583
Zdeněk Palatý Density of Aqueous Solutions of Na2CO3-NAHCO3
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 1584-1595
Tomáš Jelínek, Josef Holub, Bohumil Štíbr, Xavier L. R. Fontaine and John D. Kennedy Nine- and Eight-Vertex Polyhedral Dicarbaborane Chemistry: New arachno and hypho Dicarbaboranes from arachno-4,5-C2B7H13: Isolation and Characterization of the [arachno-4,5-C2B7H12]- and [hypho-7,8-C2B6H13]- Anions, and of the Neutral Ligand Derivatives exo-6-(MeNC)-arachno-4,5-C2B7H11 and exo-5-L-hypho-4,9-C2B7H13 (L = NMe3 and NEt3) -
pp. 1596-1605
Punchayil V. Lalitha, Natesan Balasubramanian and Ranganathan Ramaswamy Study of Briggs Rauscher Oscillatory Reaction in Aqueous Acetonitrile Mixed Medium -
pp. 1606-1615
Jan Balej, Milada Thumová and Hana Špalková The Influence of Some Reaction Conditions on the Course of the Electrolytic Preparation of Ammonium Peroxodisulfate -
pp. 1616-1619
Ludvík Beneš, Vítězslav Zima, Jaroslava Kalousová and Jiří Votinský Intercalation of Anhydrous Vanadyl Phosphate with Aliphatic Alcohol Mixtures -
pp. 1620-1623
Christomir Christov and Christo Balarew Effect of Temperature on the Solubility Diagrams of Ammonium Bromcarnallite
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 1624-1636
Michal Hušák, Jiří Had, Bohumil Kratochvíl, Ladislav Cvak, Josef Stuchlík and Alexandr Jegorov X-Ray Absolute Structure of Nicergoline (Form I). Quantitative Analysis of Nicergoline Phase Mixture: Form I/Form II -
pp. 1637-1644
Oldřich Pytela, Jiří Kulhánek and Miroslav Ludwig Chemometrical Analysis of Substituent Effects. IV. Additivity of Substituent Effects in Dissociation of 3,5-Disubstituted Benzoic Acids in Organic Solvents -
pp. 1645-1653
Jaroslav Včelák and Jiří Hetflejš Dehalogenation of Chloroarenes with Sodium Dihydridobis(2-methoxyethoxo)aluminate in the Presence of Transition Metal Compounds -
pp. 1654-1664
Hubert Hřebabecký and Antonín Holý Synthesis of Deoxy, Dideoxy and Didehydrodideoxy Analogs of 9-(4-C-Hydroxymethyl-α-L-pentofuranosyl)adenine -
pp. 1665-1672
Jaroslava Horáčková and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics of Substitution of 4-Methoxyphenylazo Groups of 2,6-Dioxo-5(3)-(4-methoxyphenylazo)-3(5)-(4-methoxyphenylhydrazono)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-4-carboxylic Acid by Reaction with 4-Nitrobenzenediazonium Cation -
pp. 1673-1681
Hafez M. El-Shaaer, Pavol Zahradník, Margita Lácová and Mária Matulová Study of Substituted Formylchromones -
pp. 1682-1690
Danica Sabolová, Dana Mazagová, Pavol Kristian, Marián Antalík, Dušan Podhradský and Ján Imrich Fluorescence Reagents for Labelling of Biomolecules. Part III. Study of the Reactions of 2- and 4-Substituted 9-Isothiocyanatoacridines with Glycine -
pp. 1691-1698
Ladislav Novotný, Anna Vachálková and Alois Pískala Polarographic Reduction and Potential Carcinogenity of Synthetic 1,3,5-Triazine Bases and Nucleosides
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.