- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1996, Volume 61, Issue 12
Accelerated Communication
pp. 1697-1702
Josef Vágner, Viktor Krchňák, Michal Lebl and George Barany Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis: Creation of Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds Under Mild Conditions by Wittig-Type Reactions
Physical Chemistry
pp. 1703-1708
Ladislav Novotný Effect of Ultrasound on Voltammetric Measurements on a Miniaturized Mercury Electrode; Sonovoltammetry and Sonopolarography -
pp. 1709-1714
Erich Lippert, Pavel Bach, Květoslava Stejskalová, Emerich Erdös and Karel Mocek Reactivity of Nitrogen Oxides Towards Sodium Carbonate and Hydrogencarbonate Based Solid Sorbents -
pp. 1715-1721
Jan S. Jaworski, Piotr Leszczynski and Slawomir Pawlowski Electroreduction of 3-Bromopyrene in DMF. A New Organic Electrochemical Oscillator -
pp. 1722-1728
Jan-Willem F. Kaagman, Marco Rep, Michal Horáček, Petr Sedmera, Jiří Čejka, Vojtech Varga and Karel Mach Titanium-Catalyzed [4+2] and [6+2] Cycloadditions of 1,4-Bis(trimethylsilyl)buta-1,3-diyne -
pp. 1729-1737
Kamil Lang, Jiřina Brodilová and Stanislav Luňák Photochemical Hydroxylation of Salicylic Acid with Hydrogen Peroxide; Mechanistic Study of Substrate Sensitized Reaction
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 1738-1744
Anna Turek, Monika Skrzydlinska and Bogdan Ptaszynski Spectrophotometric Determination of Dimethyl Disulfide in Air Pollutants from the Rubber Industry -
pp. 1745-1753
Shuping Bi and Zhengjiang Zhang A.C. Oscillopolarographic Determination of Aluminum in Natural and Drinking Waters Using the Adsorption of the Al(III)-1,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone-3-sulfonic Acid Complex
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 1754-1766
Svetlana Pakhomova, Jan Ondráček and František Jursík Structural Characterization of Bis[N-(o-Hydroxybenzyl-(S)-Leucinato)]cobaltate(III) Anion. Tyrosine-Like Model Complex with Structurally Inequivalent Chelate Rings -
pp. 1767-1772
Jana Holubová, Zdeněk Černošek and Ivan Pavlík Electron Spin Resonance Super-Hyperfine Splitting Study of Polycrystalline Niobocene and Vanadocene Dichlorides -
pp. 1773-1782
Peter MacKinnon, Xavier L. R. Fontaine, John D. Kennedy and Paul A. Salter Polyhedral Azaborane Chemistry: NMR Parameters for the Unique Eight-Boron Polyhedral Species [(C2H5NH2)B8H11NHC2H5]
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 1783-1797
Jaroslav Havlíček, Marcela Tkadlecová, Michaela Vyhnánková, Evgueni Pinkhassik and Ivan Stibor NMR Complexation Study of Several Oxyethylated Calix[4]arenes with Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Ions -
pp. 1798-1804
Albert Demonceau, François Simal, Corine A. Lemoine, Alfred F. Noels, Igor T. Chizhevsky and Pavel V. Sorokin [OsH4(PPh3)3]: New Catalyst for the Selective Cyclopropanation of Activated Olefins -
pp. 1805-1814
Ľubomír Šebo, Juraj Alföldi, Grety Rihs and Štefan Toma On the Stereoselectivity of the (-)-Dimenthyl Malonate Addition to α,β-Unsaturated Ketones -
pp. 1815-1822
Jiří Slavík and Leonora Slavíková Alkaloids of Meconopsis cambrica (L.) VIG. and M. robusta HOOK. f. et THOMS.
pp. 1823-1830
Sabina Krejčíková, Milan J. Beneš, Eva Wisingerová and Jaroslava Turková Immunosorbents for the Preparation of Mycobacterium bovis BCG Antigen
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.