- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1996, Volume 61, Issue 8
Physical Chemistry
pp. 1115-1130
Jiří Čejka, Naděžda Žilková and Blanka Wichterlová The Effect of Acidity of Al and Fe Silicates with MFI Structure on Benzene and Toluene Alkylation with Isopropyl Alcohol -
pp. 1131-1140
Abd El-Aziz Ahmed Said Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties of Spinels Formed by Solid-Solid Interaction Between Fe2O3and V2O5 -
pp. 1141-1157
Květoslava Stejskalová, Zdeněk Bastl and Karel Mocek Kinetics of the Reaction Between Solid Active Sodium Carbonate of the Second Generation and the Gaseous Sulfur Dioxide -
pp. 1158-1166
Jiří Čejka, Luboš Holý, Bohdan Kříbek and Václav Sedláček Gas Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Pyrolysis Products of Fossil Organic Matter from Localities of the Czech Republic
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 1167-1176
Viktor Kanický, Jan Musil, Marcel Benda and Jean-Michel Mermet Study of UV Laser Ablation of Nitrided Steels Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry -
pp. 1177-1181
Alena Tokárová, Oldřich Navrátil and Petr Sládek Application of Monoalkyl Methanephosphonates to Extraction of Selected Metals
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 1182-1190
Evgueni Pinkhassik, Ivan Stibor and Vladimír Havlíček Synthesis of New Chiral Ligands by Capping of Calix[4]arene Derivatives -
pp. 1191-1204
Oldřich Pytela Chemometric Analysis of Substituent Effects. X. Unification and Reparametrization of Substituent Constants in Hammett-Type Equations by Means of Alternative Interpretation of Substituent Effects (AISE) -
pp. 1205-1214
Miroslav Ludwig and Pavel Štverka Effects of Medium and Substituents on Dissociationof 4,4'-Disubstituted Bis(benzenesulfon)imides -
pp. 1215-1222
Jiří Fikar, Petr Trška, Pavel Pech and František Liška Radical Addition of 2-Propanol to Trifluoroethylene. Preparation of Trifluoroethylene Oligomersfrom Chlorotrifluoroethylene Oligomers -
pp. 1223-1232
Ali Werfeli, Svatava Voltrová, Viktor Prutianov and Josef Kuthan Optically Active Furanoids Containing Cytosine-, Adenine- and Nicotinamide-Like Moieties -
pp. 1233-1243
Dušan Ilavský and Viktor Milata Syntheses and Spectral Properties of Unsymmetrically 3,5-Disubstituted 2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridines -
pp. 1244-1247
Tibor Gizur, György G. Ferenczy, Éva Ágai-Csongor and György Domány Antioxidant Building Blocks I. The Unexpected C-Acetylation of 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol with Isopropenyl Acetate -
pp. 1248-1253
Vladimír Křen and Petr Sedmera N-1-Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Ergot Alkaloids
pp. 1254-1260
Olga Hrušková-Heidingsfeldová, Martin Piskáček, Romana Cubínková, Aleš Zábranský and Iva Pichová Effect of Solvent Composition on Solubility and Activity of Bovine Leukemia Virus Proteinase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.