Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1998, 63, 507-514
Partial Molar Volumes of Some Multicharged Electrolytes in Aqueous Dimethylformamide at Various Temperatures
Madan L. Parmar, Ch. V. Nageshwara Rao and Suresh Chand Attri
Department of Chemistry, Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla 171 005, India
Partial molar volumes of ammonium aluminium sulfate and potassium aluminium sulfate in DMF-water mixtures (5-20 wt.% of DMF) have been determined from solution density measurements at various temperatures and electrolyte concentrations. The data were evaluated by using Masson equation and the obtained parameters were interpreted in terms of ion-solvent and ion-ion interactions. Both electrolytes have been found to act as the structure makers/promotors in DMF-water systems.
Keywords: Multicharged electrolytes; Partial molar volume.