- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2001, Volume 66, Issue 3
pp. 397-410
Pavel Mader, Věra Veselá, Vlastimil Dorčák and Michael Heyrovský* The "Presodium" Hydrogen Evolution at the Dropping Mercury Electrode Catalysed by Simple Cysteine Peptides -
pp. 411-422
Dorota Gugała, Dorota Sieńko and Jadwiga Saba* Adsorption of Butyl Acetate on Mercury Electrode and Its Effect on Electroreduction of Zn Cations -
pp. 423-433
Milivoj Lovrić*, Marina Zelić and Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić Theoretical Analysis of Pulse and Differential Pulse Polarography of Reversible Redox Reaction Complicated by Reactant Adsorption -
pp. 434-444
Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić*, Milivoj Lovrić and Fritz Scholz Square-Wave Voltammetry of Decamethylferrocene at the Three-Phase Junction Organic Liquid/Aqueous Solution/Graphite -
pp. 445-455
Mitsugi Senda*, Hajime Katano and Yuko Kubota Stripping Analysis Using Ion-Transfer Voltammetry at Liquid/Liquid Interface -
pp. 456-464
Alena Komersová, Martin Bartoš, Kurt Kalcher and Karel Vytřas* Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Aluminium Using Arsenazo III -
pp. 465-472
Øyvind Mikkelsen*, Knut H. Schrøder and Thor Anders Aarhaug Dental Amalgam, an Alternative Electrode Material for Voltammetric Analyses of Pollutants
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 473-482
Zdeněk Havlas* and Hans Bock Enhanced Long-Range Si···N Interactions in Organosilicon Cations. A Theoretical Study
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 483-499
Michal Hocek*, Antonín Holý, Ivan Votruba and Hana Dvořáková Cytostatic 6-Arylpurine Nucleosides III. Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Study in Cytostatic Activity of 6-Aryl-, 6-Hetaryl- and 6-Benzylpurine Ribonucleosides -
pp. 500-506
Miroslav Otmar*, Milena Masojídková, Ivan Votruba and Antonín Holý An Alternative Synthesis of HPMPC and HPMPA Diphosphoryl Derivatives -
pp. 507-516
Miroslav Otmar*, Lucie Poláková, Milena Masojídková and Antonín Holý A Facile Synthesis of Azetidin-2-ylphosphonic Acid and Its 1-Alkyl Derivatives -
pp. 517-532
Zlatko Janeba*, Antonín Holý and Milena Masojídková Synthesis of 8-Amino- and N-Substituted 8-Aminoadenine Derivatives of Acyclic Nucleoside and Nucleotide Analogs
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 533-540
Vladimír Šindelář, Petr Sysel*, Vladimír Hynek, Karel Friess, Milan Šípek and Nadia Castaneda Transport of Gases and Organic Vapours Through Membranes Made of Poly(amide-imide)s Crosslinked with Poly(ethylene adipate)
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.