- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2001, Volume 66, Issue 9
pp. 1315-1340
Vladimir J. Balcar*, Akiko Takamoto and Yukio Yoneda Neurochemistry of L-Glutamate Transport in the CNS: A Review of Thirty Years of Progress
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1341-1347
George Moumouzias* and George Ritzoulis An Equation for Viscosity of Binary Liquid Mixtures
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 1348-1358
Martin Štěpán, Martin Semerád, Viktor Kanický* and Vítězslav Otruba Preliminary Investigations of High-Frequency Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet for Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 1359-1374
Jaroslav Zemánek, Lenka Fröhlichová, Pavel Šindelář, Petr Štěpnička, Ivana Císařová, Vojtech Varga, Michal Horáček and Karel Mach* Synthesis of Trichloro(η5-alkenyltetramethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium(IV) Complexes and Their Activity in Styrene Polymerization -
pp. 1375-1379
Drahomír Hnyk*, Václav Všetečka, Ladislav Drož and Otto Exner Charge Distribution Within 1,2-Dicarba-closo-dodecaborane: Dipole Moments of Its Phenyl Derivatives
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 1380-1392
Jiří Nádvorník and Miroslav Ludwig* Ortho Effect in Dissociation of Substituted N-Phenylbenzenesulfonamides -
pp. 1393-1406
Zlatko Janeba*, Antonín Holý and Milena Masojídková Transformation of 8-[(2-Hydroxyalkyl)sulfanyl]adenines to 6-Amino-7H-purin-8(9H)-one Derivatives
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 1407-1419
Jaroslav Procházka*, Aleš Heyberger, Jan Horáček, Eva Volaufová, Jitka Voborská and Eva Macháčková Extraction of Tungsten with Trialkylamine - Effect of pH -
pp. 1420-1428
Esengul Kir, Yunus Cengeloglu* and Mustafa Ersoz Sorption of Nickel and Iron on Polysulfone Cation Exchange Membranes -
pp. 1429-1442
Huseyin Kara, Zafer Yazicigil, Fatih Durmaz and Mustafa Ersoz* Transport of Amino Acids Through Charged Cation-Exchange Membrane -
pp. 1443-1456
Carlos Vila, Sonia Dapía, Valentín Santos and Juan Carlos Parajó* Deacetylation of Eucalyptus globulus Acetosolv Pulps in Aqueous Media: A Kinetic Study
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.