- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2002, Volume 67, Issue 12
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1729-1742
Lara Mandalian and Rabih Sultan* Fractal Structures in PbF2/Pb(NO3)2 Precipitate Systems -
pp. 1743-1759
Gabriel Čík*, Milada Hubinová, František Šeršeň and Vlasta Brezová Study of the Influence of Water on Oxidative Properties of Fe3+ in ZSM-5 Zeolite Channels
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 1760-1778
Gabriela Košová and Jiří Čejka* Incorporation of Aluminum and Iron Into the ZSM-12 Zeolite: Synthesis and Characterization of Acid Sites
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 1779-1789
Simon Cihelník, Ivan Stibor* and Pavel Lhoták Solvent-Free Synthesis of Sulfonephthaleins, Sulfonefluoresceins and Fluoresceins Under Microwave Irradiation -
pp. 1790-1804
Mária Šamalíková, Alexander Perjéssy*, Quing Liu, Dušan Loos, Václav Konečný, Heinz Dehne, Siegmar Sokolowski and Zora Šusteková Steric Hindrance in the Solute-Solvent Interactions of 2-Substituted 4,5-Dimethoxypyridazin-3(2H)-ones: An Infrared Spectral and Theoretical Study -
pp. 1805-1819
Jiří Kroutil*, Jindřich Karban, Tomáš Trnka, Miloš Buděšínský and Miloslav Černý Preparation of O-, S- and N-Benzyl Derivatives of 1,6-Anhydro-β-D-hexopyranoses via Aziridine Ring Opening -
pp. 1820-1832
Radovan Buffa, Pavol Zahradník* and Pavlína Foltínová Synthesis and QSAR Studies of New Conjugated Benzothiazole Derivatives -
pp. 1833-1857
Vilve Nummert* and Mare Piirsalu Separation of ortho Inductive, Resonance and Steric Terms in Alkaline Hydrolysis of Substituted Phenyl Benzoates and Phenyl Tosylates -
pp. 1858-1871
Tom Opstal, Jiří Zedník, Jan Sedláček, Jan Svoboda, Jiří Vohlídal* and Francis Verpoort* Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate Induced by RhI(cycloocta-1,5-diene) Complexes
pp. 1872-1882
Angelika Häfner, Martin Beneš, Fabienne Mérola, Guy Duportail, Friedemann W. Schneider and Martin Hof* Time-Resolved Tryptophan Fluorescence of Fragment 1-86 of Factor X and the Influence of Membrane Binding -
pp. 1883-1898
Václav Martínek and Marie Stiborová* Metabolism of Carcinogenic Azo Dye Sudan I by Rat, Rabbit, Minipig and Human Hepatic Microsomes
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 1899-1910
Alexander Pleska, Iva Klichová and Jindřich Pytela* Grafting of Hydroxy-Terminated Polybutadiene with 2-Mercaptoethanol
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.