- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2003, Volume 68, Issue 12
pp. 2231-2282
Jiří Šponer* and Pavel Hobza* Molecular Interactions of Nucleic Acid Bases. A Review of Quantum-Chemical Studies
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 2283-2291
Pavel Jungwirth* and Victoria Buch Van der Waals Attraction and Coalescence of Aqueous Salt Nanodroplets -
pp. 2292-2296
Markus G. Müller and Hanspeter Huber* Linear Scaling with Cluster Size for Calculations of NMR Properties in Liquids -
pp. 2297-2308
Max Mühlhäuser*, Melanie Schnell and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff The Importance of Photodissociative Trichloromethanol for Atmospheric Chemistry -
pp. 2309-2321
Oscar Rey Puiggros, Jiří Pittner*, Petr Čársky*, Philipp Stampfuss and Wolfgang Wenzel Multireference Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles (MRBWCCSD) and Multireference Doubles Configuration Interaction (MRD-CI) Calculations for the Bergman Cyclization Reaction -
pp. 2322-2334
Robert Vianello and Zvonimir B. Maksić* A Combined ab initio and Density Functional Study of the Electronic Structure of Thymine and 2-Thiothymine Radicals -
pp. 2335-2343
Zdeněk Havlas*, Mojmír Kývala and Josef Michl Spin-Orbit Coupling in Biradicals. 4. Zero-Field Splitting in Triplet Nitrenes, Phosphinidenes, and Arsinidenes -
pp. 2344-2354
Edyta Małolepsza* and Lucjan Piela Hardness and HOMO-LUMO Gap Probed by the Helium Atom Pushing the Molecular Surface of the First-Row Hydride Molecules -
pp. 2355-2376
Ondrej Kyseľ*, György Juhász and Pavel Mach Theoretical Study of Solvent Effect on π-EDA Complexation I. SCF and DFT Calculations Within Polarized Continuum Model on TCNE-Benzene Complex -
pp. 2377-2385
Martin Breza* and Stanislav Biskupič On the Stability of Hydroxo-Dilead(II) Complex Cations
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.