- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2003, Volume 68, Issue 6
Accelerated Communications
pp. 1039-1045
Tomáš Bříza, Jaroslav Kvíčala* and Oldřich Paleta Synthesis of Polyfluorinated Alkynes, Novel Building Blocks for Fluorous Chemistry
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1046-1054
Danuta Dudek Strain Gradient Influence on Diffusion Coefficients of Deuterium in Absorption and Desorption of Deuterium in Pd81Pt19 Membrane -
pp. 1055-1064
Juan Carlos Ruiz-Morales, Jesús César Rodríguez Placeres*, Manuel Barrera Niebla and Mariana Cuesta Sánchez A New Method of Analysis of Polarographic Waves -
pp. 1065-1075
Marija Georgieva* and Blagoja Andonovski Study of the Reaction of Platinum(IV) with Dimethylglyoxime by UV Spectrophotometry
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 1076-1093
Danuše Tarkowská*, Milan Kotouček and Karel Doležal Electrochemical Reduction of 6-Benzylaminopurine at Mercury Electrodes and Its Analytical Application
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 1094-1104
Konstantinos Mertis*, Stavros Arbilias, Demos Argyris, Nikos Psaroudakis, Jiří Vohlídal, Olivier Lavastre and Pierre H. Dixneuf First Examples of Homogeneous Catalytic Cyclotrimerization and Polymerization of Phenylacetylene and Copolymerization of Phenylacetylene and Norbonene with Dinuclear Complexes Containing Unbridged Metal-Metal Quadruple Bond -
pp. 1105-1118
Zdenek Chval and Miroslav Šíp* Transition States of Cisplatin Binding to Guanine and Adenine: ab initio Reactivity Study -
pp. 1119-1130
Oetze K. B. Staal, Dirk J. Beetstra, Andries P. Jekel, Bart Hessen*, Jan H. Teuben*, Petr Štěpnička, Róbert Gyepes, Michal Horáček, Jiří Pinkas and Karel Mach* Polymerization of Propene with Modified Constrained Geometry Complexes. Double-Bond Isomerization in Pendant Alkenyl Groups Attached to Cyclopentadienyl Ligands
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 1131-1140
Štěpán Popelka* and František Rypáček Synthesis of Polylactide with Thiol End Groups -
pp. 1141-1148
Erzsébet Mernyák, János Wölfling, Gábor Bunkóczi, Lingfei Luo, Thomas R. Schneider and Gyula Schneider* Stereoselective Synthesis of the Two trans-(16-Hydroxymethyl)-3-methoxy-13α-estra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-ol Isomers
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 1149-1162
Girolamo Giordano, Andrea Katovič, Ewa Szymkowiak-Janiszewska and Stanisław Kowalak* Synthesis and Properties of the MFI Zincosilicalite -
pp. 1163-1174
Severino Abad, Valentín Santos and Juan Carlos Parajó* Multistage Organosolv Pulping: A Method for Obtaining Pulps with Low Hemicellulose Contents
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.