- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2005, Volume 70, Issue 5
pp. 539-549
Camille Sandorfy The Site of Action of General Anesthetics - A Chemical Approach
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 550-558
Peter Politzer*, Jane S. Murray and M. Edward Grice Electronegativity and Average Local Ionization Energy -
pp. 559-578
Rudolf Zahradník, Martin Srnec and Zdeněk Havlas* Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Polyynes, Cumulenes and Related Systems: A Theoretical Study -
pp. 579-604
Jack Simons Equations of Motion Theory for Electron Affinities -
pp. 605-620
Josep Planelles* and Juan I. Climente Far-Infrared Absorption of Self-Assembled Semiconductor Rings -
pp. 621-637
Lubomír Skála* and Vojtěch Kapsa Quantum Mechanics Needs No Interpretation -
pp. 638-656
Paul J. A. Ruttink On the Size Consistency of Multireference CEPA Methods -
pp. 657-676
Brian Sutcliffe Permutational Symmetry and Molecular Structure Calculations -
pp. 677-688
Andrzej J. Sadlej Infinite-Order Regular Approximation by the Metric Perturbation
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.