- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2007, Volume 72, Issue 11
pp. 1447-1460
Tatjana Momić, Jasmina Savić, Urh Černigoj, Polonca Trebše and Vesna Vasić* Protolytic Equilibria and Photodegradation of Quercetin in Aqueous Solution -
pp. 1461-1471
Zhivko A. Velkov*, Mikhail K. Kolev and Alia V. Tadjer Modeling and Statistical Analysis of DPPH Scavenging Activity of Phenolics -
pp. 1472-1498
Ivan Šnajdr, Jan Pavlík, Radan Schiller, Jiří Kuneš and Milan Pour* Pentenolide Analogues of Antifungal Butenolides: Strategies Towards 3,6-Disubstituted Pyranones and Unexpected Loss of Biological Effect -
pp. 1499-1522
Zuzana Krausová, Petr Sehnal, Filip Teplý, Irena G. Stará*, Ivo Starý*, David Šaman, Josef Cvačka and Pavel Fiedler Synthesis of Methoxy Substituted Centrally Chiral Triynes as Precursors of Functionalised Nonracemic Helicene-Like Compounds -
pp. 1523-1544
Milan Dejmek, Hubert Hřebabecký*, Martin Dračínský and Antonín Holý Synthesis of Novel Carbocyclic Nucleoside Analogues Derived from 2-(Hydroxymethyl)bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane -
pp. 1545-1552
Cavit Uyanik*, Kudret Yildirim, Aslihan Malay, James R. Hanson and Peter B. Hitchcock Preparation of Androstanes Related to Aphidicolin -
pp. 1553-1578
Alain Durand Bile Acids as Building Blocks of Amphiphilic Polymers. Applications and Comparison with Other Systems -
pp. 1579-1590
Arputharaj E. Martin and Karnam J. Rajendra Prasad* Synthetic Utility of 1-Hydroxycarbazole-2-carbaldehydes - Syntheses of Furo-, Oxazino- and Pyranocarbazoles
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.