- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2007, Volume 72, Issue 2
pp. 129-152
Justin M. Turney and Henry F. Schaefer, III* The Nearly Degenerate Triplet Electronic Ground State Isomers of Lithium Nitroxide -
pp. 153-163
Paul G. Mezey A Fundamental Relation of Molecular Informatics on the Information-Carrying Properties of Density Functions -
pp. 164-170
Alexander V. Turbiner* and Nicolais L. Guevara A Note About the Ground State of the Hydrogen Molecule -
pp. 171-184
Jakub Jirkovský, Kateřina Macounová, Hartmut Dietz, Waldfried Plieth, Petr Krtil* and Stanislav Záliš* Raman Spectroscopy of Nanocrystalline Li-Ti-O Spinels and Comparative DFT Calculations on TiyOz and LixTiyOz Clusters -
pp. 185-196
Michele L. Kimble, Albert W. Castleman, Jr.*, Jose U. Reveles and Shiv N. Khanna On the Magic Character of Al6Au- -
pp. 197-222
Filip Holka, Pavel Neogrády, Miroslav Urban* and Josef Paldus Hartree-Fock Stability and Broken Symmetry Solutions of O2- and S2- Anions in External Confinement -
pp. 223-251
Vladimír Kvasnička* and Jiří Pospíchal Artificial Chemistry and Replicator Theory of Coevolution of Genes and Memes -
pp. 252-268
Roy McWeeny The Quantum Mechanics of Cohesion -
pp. 269-277
Ivan Černušák*, Martina Čukovičová, Alexandra A. Asiama, Susan K. Gregurick, Paul A. Hoover, Sarah C. Tsay and Joel F. Liebman* The Absolute Entropies of Alkali Metal Borides. Simple Patterns and High-Level Calculations -
pp. 278-295
Fernand Spiegelman* and Florent Calvo Quantum Effects on the Caloric Curves of Lithium Clusters
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.