- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2008, Volume 73, Issue 10
pp. 1231-1244
Martin Srnec, Jakub Chalupský and Lubomír Rulíšek* Are Octahedral Ruthenium(II/III) and Osmium(II/III) Complexes Always Low-Spin? -
pp. 1245-1260
Jason Ford-Green, Devashis Majumdar and Jerzy Leszczynski* Probing the Active Conformers of Paraoxon Through Theoretical Conformational Studies -
pp. 1261-1270
Jan Řezáč, Petr Jurečka, Kevin E. Riley, Jiří Černý, Haydee Valdes, Kristýna Pluháčková, Karel Berka, Tomáš Řezáč, Michal Pitoňák, Jiří Vondrášek and Pavel Hobza* Quantum Chemical Benchmark Energy and Geometry Database for Molecular Clusters and Complex Molecular Systems (www.begdb.com): A Users Manual and Examples -
pp. 1271-1280
Héctor Medel-Cobaxin*, Alexander Alijah and Alexander V. Turbiner About Non-Existence of the Molecular Ion H3++ -
pp. 1281-1298
Maurice R. Kibler Generalized Spin Bases for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Information -
pp. 1299-1313
Jan Plšek, Pavel Janda and Zdeněk Bastl* Preparation of Au-Pt Nanostructures on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Surfaces by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Their Characterization by XPS and AFM Methods -
pp. 1314-1326
Ivan Jirka* and Zdeněk Bastl Interaction of Niobium with Polycrystalline Palladium Surface. X-ray Photoemission Study -
pp. 1327-1339
Vladimír Tichý and Lubomír Skála* Analytic Energies and Wave Functions of Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation: Two-Dimensional Fourth-Order Polynomial Potential -
pp. 1340-1356
Katarína Mečiarová, Laurent Cantrel and Ivan Černušák* Thermodynamic Data of Iodine Reactions Calculated by Quantum Chemistry. Training Set of Molecules -
pp. 1357-1371
Michal Ilčin*, Vladimír Lukeš, Viliam Laurinc and Stanislav Biskupič Theoretical Study of the vdW Complex Cd···N2 -
pp. 1372-1390
Jacek Karwowski* and Kamil Szewc Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models in Quantum Chemistry
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.