- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2009, Volume 74, Issue 10
pp. 1443-1454
Dana Deýlová, Jiří Barek* and Vlastimil Vyskočil Polarographic and voltammetric determination of 6-nitrobenzimidazole and mechanism of its electrochemical reduction -
pp. 1455-1466
Sławomira Skrzypek*, Agnieszka Nosal-Wiercińska and Witold Ciesielski Electrochemical studies of ganciclovir as the adsorbed catalyst on mercury electrode -
pp. 1467-1475
Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić* and Ivana Novak Estimation of antioxidative properties of tea leaves by abrasive stripping electrochemistry using paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode -
pp. 1477-1488
Lenka Němcová*, Jiří Zima and Jiří Barek Determination of 5-amino-6-nitroquinoline at a carbon paste electrode -
pp. 1489-1501
Marina Zelić* and Milivoj Lovrić Isopotential points in square-wave voltammetry of reversible electrode reactions -
pp. 1503-1515
Zuzana Jemelková, Jiří Zima* and Jiří Barek Voltammetric and amperometric determination of doxorubicin using carbon paste electrodes -
pp. 1517-1530
Dorota Gugała-Fekner*, Zygmunt Fekner, Jolanta Nieszporek, Dorota Sieńko and Jadwiga Saba Adsorption of tert-butyl alcohol at the Hg|aqueous perchlorate interface in the presence of tetramethylthiourea -
pp. 1531-1542
Vlado Cuculić* and Ivanka Pižeta Kinetics of iron(III) hydrolysis and precipitation in aqueous glycine solutions assessed by voltammetry -
pp. 1543-1557
Herman P. Van Leeuwen* and Raewyn M. Town Protonation effects on dynamic flux properties of aqueous metal complexes -
pp. 1559-1570
Lubomír Pospíšil*, Magdaléna Hromadová*, Miroslav Gál, Michal Valášek, Nicolangelo Fanelli and Viliam Kolivoška Irregular polarographic currents obey Feigenbaum universality route from order to chaos
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.