CCCC > Archive > Authors > Dana Nachtigallová
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Dana Nachtigallová
- Tomáš Zelený, Pavel Hobza, Dana Nachtigallová*, Matthias Ruckenbauer and Hans Lischka*
Photodynamics of the adenine model 4-aminopyrimidine embedded within double strand of DNA
2011, Vol. 76, Issue 6, pp. 631–643
- Dana Nachtigallová, Petr Slavíček, Petr Nachtigall and Pavel Jungwirth
Water Photolysis in Rare Gas Environment: The CASPT2 Excited State H2O(A)-Ar Potential
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 9, pp. 1321–1328
- Dana Nachtigallová, Markéta Davidová and Petr Nachtigall
Reliability of DFT Methods for Description of Cu Sites and Their Interaction with NO in Zeolites
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 8, pp. 1202–1212