- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Fritz Eckstein
- Sabine Schmidt, David J. Earnshaw, Snorri Th. Sigurdsson, Fritz Eckstein and Michael J. Gait
Probing the tertiary structure of the hairpin ribozyme by chemical crosslinking
1996, Vol. 61, Special Issue, pp. S276–S279 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
F. Eckstein
- V. Lisý, F. Eckstein and J. Škoda
The reduced ability of guanylyldiuridine phosphorothioate, GpUp=SU to stimulate binding of [14C]valyl-tRNA to ribosomes
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 8, pp. 2734–2737 [Abstract]