- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
J. Teplý
- A. Habersbergerová, P. Kouřím and J. Teplý
Radiolysis of liquid methanol in the presence of 1-octene. Mechanism of glycol and formaldehyde formation
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 12, pp. 3657–3663 [Abstract] - A. Habersbergerová, I. Janovský and J. Teplý
Radiation-induced oxidation of liquid methanol
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 1860–1870 [Abstract] - J. Teplý and A. Habersbergerová
Radiolysis of methanolic solutions of nitrous oxide
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 1608–1610 [Abstract] - J. Teplý and A. Habersbergerová
Hydrogen formation in the radiolysis of liquid methanol and ethanol
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 1350–1358 [Abstract] - J. Teplý, A Habersbergerová and K. Vacek
Radiolysis of pure methanol
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 793–801 [Abstract] - J. Teplý and A. Habersbergerová
Effects of some solutes on the radiolysis of methanol
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 785–792 [Abstract] - J. Teplý, V. Štulík, M. Teichmanová and J. Moravec
Radiation chemical formation of uranium peroxide in ketone solutions of uranyl nitrate
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 1–9 [Abstract] - J. Bednář and J. Teplý
Strahlungschemie wässriger Lösungen organischer Halogen-Derivate III. Durch Strahlung oder Wasserstoffperoxyd in Lösungen von Chloroform und Eisen(II)-Ionen verursachte Reaktionen
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 842–852 [Abstract] - J. Teplý
Strahlungschemie von wässerigen Lösungen organischer Halogenderivate II. Mechanismus der Radiolyse einer wässerigen Chloroformlösung
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 24–30 [Abstract] - J. Teplý
Strahlungschemie von wässrigen Lösungen organischer Halogenderivate I. Radiolyse einer wässrigen Chloroformlösung
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 1933–1942 [Abstract] - J. Bednář and J. Teplý
Ausbeute an Wasserstoffperoxyd in durch Röntgenstrahlen bestrahltem Wasser
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 127–134 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
Jiří Teplý
- Oldřich Navrátil, Eckhard Herrmann, Gisbert Grossmann and Jiří Teplý
Extraction of scandium with tetraphenyl imidodiphosphate and its sulfur analogues, and the radiation stability of the reagent
1990, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pp. 364–371 [Abstract]