- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Jaromír Moravec
- Jaromír Kučera and Jaromír Moravec
Products formed in the radiation synthesis of 5-oxo-tetrahydrofuran-3-carboxylic acid derivatives
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pp. 3564–3570 [Abstract] - Václav Šára, Jaromír Moravec and Milan Horák
Determination of thermodynamic functions by means of infrared spectroscopy. The accuracy in -ΔH determination; Formation of complexes phenol-pyridine and its homologues
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 148–156 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
J. Moravec
- J. Moravec, V. Šára and O. Vojtěch
Vibrational spectra of solid solutions of barium and calcium sulphates
1975, Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 815–818 [Abstract] - I. Křivý, J. Moravec and O. Vojtěch
Study of mixed crystals of the barium-strontium sulphate system using infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction
1974, Vol. 39, Issue 12, pp. 3603–3607 [Abstract] - L. Berák, J. Moravec and J. Münich
Cell-less measurements of infrared absorption spectra of aqueous suspensions and solutions
1974, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 376–379 [Abstract] - M. Horák, V. Šára and J. Moravec
Determination of thermodynamic functions by means of infrared spectroscopy. II. Axial and equatorial hydrogen bonds
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1990–1992 [Abstract] - M. Horák and J. Moravec
Studies of solute-solvent interactions. V. The solvent induced frequency shifts of the ν(C=O) and ν(C≡N) infrared bands
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 8, pp. 2757–2765 [Abstract] - M. Horák and J. Moravec
Studies of solute-solvent interactions. IV. Solvent effects on half-widths and intensities of ν(OH) band in infrared spectra
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 544–550 [Abstract] - V. Šára, J. Moravec, V. Horák and M. Horák
Determination of thermodynamic functions by means of infrared spectroscopy. Complex formation in phenol-aliphatic sulfide and phenol-aliphatic sulfoxide systems
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 8, pp. 2390–2397 [Abstract] - J. Moravec and J. Smrt
Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXII. Synthetic studies on 6-azauridine 5'-phosphate derivatives containing amide-bonded bis-(2-chloroethyl)amine or ethyleneimine
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1768–1777 [Abstract] - M. Horák, J. Poláková, M. Jakoubková, J. Moravec and J. Plíva
Studies of solute-solvent interactions. III. Solvation of donor-acceptor complexes of phenols with basic solvents
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 622–639 [Abstract] - J. Moravec, P. Kouřím and M. Horák
Vibration spectra of triphenylmethyl methyl ether and its d3 derivative
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 7, pp. 2298–2306 [Abstract] - J. Teplý, V. Štulík, M. Teichmanová and J. Moravec
Radiation chemical formation of uranium peroxide in ketone solutions of uranyl nitrate
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 1–9 [Abstract]