- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Josef Komárek
- Josef Komárek, Martina Slaninová, Jan Vřešťál and Lumír Sommer
Determination of cadmium by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 10, pp. 2082–2095 [Abstract] - Josef Komárek and Mojmír Gánóczy
Determination of europium by AAS with electrothermal atomization
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 4, pp. 764–773 [Abstract] - Vlastimil Kubáň, Josef Komárek and Dagmar Čajková
The determination of copper by flow injection analysis with flame AAS detection after preconcentration by solvent extraction
1989, Vol. 54, Issue 10, pp. 2683–2691 [Abstract] - Vlastimil Kubáň, Josef Komárek and Zbyněk Zdráhal
Determination of trace concentrations of copper by FIA-FAAS after preconcentration on chelating sorbents
1989, Vol. 54, Issue 7, pp. 1785–1794 [Abstract] - Josef Komárek, Vít Mahr and Lumír Sommer
The atomic absorption spectrometry of molybdenum in the presence of sulphonated aromatic compounds
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. 708–716 [Abstract] - Josef Komárek, Dalibor Kolčava and Lumír Sommer
Atomic absorption spectrometry of cobalt in the presence of chelating agents
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pp. 3313–3319 [Abstract] - Josef Komárek, Josef Havel and Lumír Sommer
The use of chelates of copper, nickel, cobalt, cadmium and zinc with heterocyclic azodyes in the AAS determination of these elements
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 11, pp. 3241–3255 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
J. Komárek
- J. Komárek, J. Horák and L. Sommer
Atomic absorption of zinc after extraction of its chelate with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol
1974, Vol. 39, Issue 1, pp. 92–100 [Abstract]