- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Ladislav Novotný
- Ladislav Novotný
Effect of Ultrasound on Voltammetric Measurements on a Miniaturized Mercury Electrode; Sonovoltammetry and Sonopolarography
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 12, pp. 1703–1708 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Anna Vachálková and Alois Pískala
Investigation of the Polarographic Properties and Potential Carcinogenity of Some Hydroxyurea Derivatives by DC Polarography
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 656–662 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Anna Vachálková and Alois Pískala
Polarographic Reduction and Potential Carcinogenity of Substituted 1,3,5-Triazine Nucleosides
1995, Vol. 60, Issue 9, pp. 1469–1475 [Abstract] - Angelika Krumbein, Ladislav Novotný and Utz Retter
Adsorption of Antimony(III) Ions at Mercury in Acid Chloride Solutions
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 8, pp. 1745–1751 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Anna Vachálková and Alois Pískala
Polarographic Reduction and Potential Carcinogenity of Synthetic 1,3,5-Triazine Bases and Nucleosides
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 7, pp. 1691–1698 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Miloš Buděšínský, Josef Jizba, Juraj Harmatha, Vít Lukeš, Wolfgang Lindner, Rolf Grosser and Günther Snatzke
Configuration of natural 9-hydroxyfuroeremophilane, its 9-hydroxy epimer and furanopetasin: NMR and CD studies
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 7, pp. 1786–1802 [Abstract] - Michael Heyrovský and Ladislav Novotný
Interfacial interactions and the heterogeneous one-electron reduction of methyl viologen
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 5, pp. 1097–1114 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Kopecký, David Šaman and Ladislav Novotný
Methylation of substituted 1,4-benzoquinones
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 1, pp. 228–232 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Kopecký, David Šaman and Ladislav Novotný
Methoxylation of substituted 1,4-benzoquinones
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 1, pp. 223–227 [Abstract] - Michael Heyrovský and Ladislav Novotný
Interfacial interactions between aqueous solutions of 4,4'-bipyridyl and mercury
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 1, pp. 54–65 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný and Robert Kalvoda
Polarographic behaviour of petroleum components in aqueous solutions: Application of electrocapillary measurements and convective adsorption accumulation
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 8, pp. 1595–1603 [Abstract] - Robert Kalvoda and Ladislav Novotný
Polarographic behaviour of petroleum components in aqueous solutions: A study using DPP and convective adsorption accumulation
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 8, pp. 1587–1594 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný and Ivan Smoler
Surface behaviour of tetrapropylammonium cation at the mercury/solution interface measured by use of controlled convective adsorptive accumulation
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 11, pp. 2525–2534 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný
The bubble method for measuring surface tension of liquids
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 11, pp. 2517–2524 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Hubert Hřebabecký and Jiří Beránek
Synthesis of the sulfonamido derivatives of arabinonucleosides
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 2, pp. 383–392 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Kopecký, David Šaman, Tomáš Vaněk and Ladislav Novotný
Components of the wood-rotting fungus Sarcodontia setosa
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 7, pp. 1622–1626 [Abstract] - Markyta Bártová, Miloš Ryba, Zdena Jedličková, Ladislav Novotný, Hubert Hřebabecký and Jiří Beránek
Growth inhibition of Escherichia coli B by nucleoside analogs
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 7, pp. 2088–2095 [Abstract] - Ladislav Novotný, Ivan Smoler and Jaroslav Kůta
Electrocapillary measurements at low concentrations of surfactants: Adsorption of tetrabutylammonium cation
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 4, pp. 964–975 [Abstract] - Patricia Sierra, Ladislav Novotný, Zdeněk Samek, Miloš Buděšínský, Ladislav Dolejš and Karel Bláha
Alkaloids of Rauvolfia salicifolia GRISEB species
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 11, pp. 2912–2921 [Abstract] - Jindřich Kára, Markyta Bártová, Miloš Ryba, Hubert Hřebabecký, Josef Brokeš, Ladislav Novotný and Jiří Beránek
Sensitivity of some arabinosylcytosine derivatives to enzymatic deamination by cytidine deaminase from mouse kidney
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 10, pp. 2824–2830 [Abstract] - Josef Jizba, Miloš Buděšínský, Tomáš Vaněk, A. Boeva, Kalinka Dimitrova, František Šantavý and Ladislav Novotný
Components of Senecio pancicii DEGEN var. arnautorum (VELEN.) STOJ., STEF. et KIT. and S. Pancicii DEGEN var. pancicii
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 664–669 [Abstract] - Josef Jizba, Věra Laudová, Zdeněk Samek, Karel Ubik and Ladislav Novotný
Components of Senecio nemorensis var. subdecurens
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 4, pp. 1048–1053 [Abstract] - Abilio Laguna, Ladislav Dolejš and Ladislav Novotný
Alkaloids from Strempeliopsis strempelioides K. SCHUM.
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 5, pp. 1419–1423 [Abstract] - Josef Jizba, Věra Laudová and Ladislav Novotný
Components of Senecio nemorensis L. s. str. subsp. nemorensis
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 3, pp. 952–956 [Abstract] - Josef Jizba, Zdeněk Samek, Ladislav Novotný, Elinka Najdenová and Anna Boeva
Components of Senecio nemorensis var. bulgaricus (VEL. PRO. SP.)
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 4, pp. 1113–1124 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
L. Novotný
- L. Novotný, V. Kéry, E. Balážová, J. Šandula and V. Ujházy
Conjugates of 1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine with polysaccharides
1990, Vol. 55, Special Issue, pp. S101–S104 [Abstract] - J. Jizba, Z. Samek and L. Novotný
A sesquiterpenic alkaloid, eremophilene lactam, from the rhizomes of Petasites hybridus
1977, Vol. 42, Issue 8, pp. 2438–2440 [Abstract] - J. Harmatha, Z. Samek, M. Synáčková, L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
Neutral components of the extract from Homogine alpina (L.) CASS.
1976, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp. 2047–2058 [Abstract] - L. Novotný and K. Kotva
Opening of the furan ring: Reaction of 6β-hydroxyfuroeremophilane with activated silica gel
1974, Vol. 39, Issue 10, pp. 2949–2950 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, M. Krojidlo, Z. Samek, J. Kohoutová and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CCXXIII. The structure of nemosenins A, B, C, D, and senemorin, new furoeremophilane derivatives from Senecio nemorensis, subsp. fuchsii
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp. 739–755 [Abstract] - Z. Samek, J. Harmatha, L. Novotný and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CCII. Absolute configuration of adenostylone, neoadenostylone and isoadenostylone from Adenostyles alliariae (GOUAN) KERN, and of decompostin from Cacalia decomposita A. GRAY
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 9, pp. 2792–2808 [Abstract] - J. Harmatha, Z. Samek, L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CC. The structure of adenostylone, isoadenostylone and neoadenostylone - components of the rhizomes of Adenostyles alliariae (GOUAN) KERN.
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 1739–1749 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, Z. Samek, J. Harmatha and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CXCVI. 9-Hydroxyfuroeremophilane, a further dominating component from light petroleum extract of Petasites hybridus (L.) GAERTN., MEY et SCHERB. rhizomes
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 336–339 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, Z. Samek and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CLXXVI. Isolation and structure of dimethoxydihydrofuroeremophilane
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 371–374 [Abstract] - L. Novotný and V. Herout
Plant substances. XXIV. Constituents of rhizoms of Petasites japonicus (SIEB. et ZUCC.) MAXIM susp. giganteus KITAMURA
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 3579–3581 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CLXVIII. Constitution of petasalbine, albopetasine and hydroxyeremophilenolide, the components of Petasites albus L. rhizomes
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 2189–2193 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CLXVII. Constitution of petasitolides and S-petasitolides
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 9, pp. 2182–2188 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, Ch. Tabačíková-Wlotzka, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CLXVI. Constitution of furanopetasine, the main constituent of Petasites officinalis MOENCH. rhizomes
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 8, pp. 1922–1931 [Abstract] - J. Hochmannová, L. Novotný and V. Herout
On terpenes. CXLIV. Hydrocarbons from Petasites albus (L.) GAERTN. rhizomes
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 11, pp. 2711–2714 [Abstract] - L. Novotný and V. Herout
Plant substances. XIX. The constituents of Petasites spurius rhizomes
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 10, pp. 2462–2464 [Abstract] - J. Hochmannová, L. Novotný and V. Herout
On terpenes. CXXXVIII. Sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons from coltsfoot rhizomes (Petasites officinalis MOENCH.)
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 1870–1876 [Abstract] - L. Novotný and V. Herout
Plant substances. XV. The composition of Artemisia sieversiana WILLD.
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 6, pp. 1508–1510 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
Plant substances. XVII. Constituents of Petasites albus (L.) GAERTIN. rhizomes
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 6, pp. 1400–1403 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, J. Jizba, V. Herout and F. Šorm
Plant substances. XVI. The constituents of coltsfoot rhizomes (Petasites officinalis MOENCH.)
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 6, pp. 1393–1399 [Abstract] - V. Sýkora, L. Novotný, M. Holub, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CXVII. The proof of structure of carotol and daucol
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 788–802 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CX. A contribution to stereochemistry of absinthin and artabsin
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1500–1505 [Abstract] - L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. CIX. A contribution to the structure of absinthin and anabsinthin
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1492–1499 [Abstract] - R. Lukeš, A. Fábryová, S. Doležal and L. Novotný
Über die Einwirkung des Grignardreagenz auf die Amidgruppe XXIX. Zur Struktur der Reaktionsprodukte von Grignardverbindungen mit Glutarsäure-N-methylimid
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 1063–1069 [Abstract] - F. Čůta, L. Novotný and Z. Vojta
Modifikation der Bruhnsschen Methode zur Titerbestimmung von Alkalihydroxydlösungen
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 597–600 [Abstract] - R. Lukeš, V. Dědek and L. Novotný
The constitution of Δ2-pyrrolines
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp. 1117–1126 [Abstract] - V. Herout, L. Novotný and F. Šorm
Über Pflanzenstoffe V. Die Isolierung von weiteren kristallinen Substanzen aus Wermut (Artemisia absinthium L.)
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp. 1485–1493 [Abstract] - F. Šorm and L. Novotný
Synthesen in der Reihe des 4-Oxychinolins
1955, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 1206–1214 [Abstract] - L. Dolejš, L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. LIX. Synthesis of tetrahydroeucarvone
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 788–791 [Abstract] - L. Dolejš and L. Novotný
Eine neue Darstellungsweise von Dicarbonsäuren mittels der Kolbe'schen Synthese
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 716–719 [Abstract] - F. Šorm, M. Streibl, V. Jarolím, L. Novotný, L. Dolejš and V. Herout
On terpenes. LVIII. Total synthesis of 1,1,4,8-tetramethylcycloundecane: Proof of the eleven-membered ring in humulene
1954, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 570–580 [Abstract] - V. Horák and L. Novotný
Spaltung sekundärer Amine unter Anwendung der Phtalanhydridmethode
1953, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 80–85 [Abstract]