- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Ladislav Šůcha
- Nadezhda Likhareva, Ladislav Šůcha and Miloslav Suchánek
Acid-base properties of 1,3-diphenyl-5-(1H-tetrazol-2-yl)formazan and 1,3-diphenyl-5-(2H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)formazan
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 11, pp. 2882–2889 [Abstract] - Miloslav Suchánek and Ladislav Šůcha
The complexes of 1-(5-tetrazolylazo)-2-naphthol with some metal ions
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 5, pp. 1393–1400 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
L. Šůcha
- L. Šůcha, J. Čadek, K. Hrábek and J. Veselý
The stability of the chloro complexes of magnesium and of the alkaline earth metals at elevated temperatures
1975, Vol. 40, Issue 7, pp. 2020–2024 [Abstract] - M. Valentová and L. Šůcha
Spectrophotometric determination of iron with biacetyl oxime thiosemicarbazone
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 1497–1501 [Abstract] - M. Valentová and L. Šůcha
Polarographic study of complexes of diacetyl oxime thiosemicarbazone with manganese
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 22–32 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha, Z. Urner and M. Suchánek
Dissociation constants of chloro substituted methyl and dimethyl phenols
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 12, pp. 3651–3658 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha
Polarographic determination of ketones in phenol
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 5, pp. 1375–1384 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha and M. Suchánek
Stability of some complexes of the salicylaldehyde formylhydrazone
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 12, pp. 4539–4562 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha and Z. Urner
Titanometrische Bestimmung von Chlorokomplexen des Kupfers(I, II) und Eisens(II, III) im Gemisch
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1612–1617 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha and K. Volka
Anwendung von Zitratkomplexen mit Ionen des Systems Fe3+/ Fe2+ bei der massanalytischen Bestimmung von Zitronensäure
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 1361–1373 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Über die Salzbindungsfähigkeit der 4-Isonitrosopyrazolone IX. Magnesium-, Zink- und Cadmiumsalze
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 999–1005 [Abstract] - L. Šůcha
Über die Salzbindungsfähigkeit der 4-Isonitrosopyrazolone VIII. Magnetische Eigenschaften der Nickel(II)- und Mangan(II)-Chelate
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 993–998 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Über die Salzbildungsfähigkeit der 4-Isonitrosopyrazolone VII. Nickel(II)- und Mangan(II)-Salze
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 983–992 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Salt formation of 4-isonitrosopyrazolones. VI. Cupric salts
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp. 1796–1806 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Salt formation of 4-isonitrosopyrazolones. V. Thallium salts
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp. 1790–1795 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Salt formation of 4-isonitrosopyrazolones. IV. On the use of electrophoresis in the study of the structure of isonitrosopyrazolone metal chelates
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1439–1443 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Salt formation of 4-isonitrosopyrazolones. III. Thermogravimetric analysis of silver chelates of substituted 4-isonitrosopyrazolones
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1432–1438 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Über die Salzbildungsfähigkeit der 4-Isonitrosopyrazolone II. Silbersalze
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 60–67 [Abstract] - V. Hovorka and L. Šůcha
Über die Salzbildungsfähigkeit der 4-Isonitrosopyrazolone I. Einführung
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 55–59 [Abstract]