CCCC > Archive > Authors > Mariana Teodorescu
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Mariana Teodorescu
- Dana Dragoescu, Mariana Teodorescu, Alexandru Barhala and Ivan Wichterle*
Disquac Characterization of the Carbonyl-Chlorine Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Linear Ketone with Chloroalkane
2003, Vol. 68, Issue 7, pp. 1175–1192
- Mariana Teodorescu* and Ivan Wichterle
Evaluation of the Carbonyl/Chlorine Interaction Parameters in Pentan-3-one-Chloroalkane Mixtures Using the Disquac Group Contribution Model
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 10, pp. 1559–1572