- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Pavel Kratochvíl
- Jaroslav Stejskal, Pavel Kratochvíl and Aubrey D. Jenkins
Polyaniline: Forms and Formation
1995, Vol. 60, Issue 10, pp. 1747–1755 [Abstract] - Claudio G. Dos Santos, Aubrey D. Jenkins, David R. M. Walton, Jaroslav Stejskal and Pavel Kratochvíl
The Synthesis of Branched Poly(methyl methacrylate)
1993, Vol. 58, Issue 11, pp. 2523–2534 [Abstract] - Zdeněk Tuzar, Pavel Kratochvíl, Karel Procházka and Petr Munk
Block Copolymer Micelles in Aqueous Media
1993, Vol. 58, Issue 10, pp. 2362–2369 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Stejskal, Čestmír Koňák, Martin Helmstedt and Pavel Kratochvíl
Light Scattering from Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene-co-propylene) in Decane and in Dioxane
1993, Vol. 58, Issue 10, pp. 2282–2289 [Abstract] - Jitka Horská, Jaroslav Stejskal, Pavel Kratochvíl, Aubrey D. Jenkins, Eugenia Tsartolia and David R. M. Walton
Preparation of graft copolymers by the reaction of polymeric acyl chlorides with monohydroxy-terminated polymers: An introductory study
1988, Vol. 53, Issue 8, pp. 1735–1744 [Abstract] - Zdeněk Tuzar, Antonín Sikora, Dagmar Straková, Jiří Podešva, Jaroslav Stejskal and Pavel Kratochvíl
Precipitation fractionation of block copolymers
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 11, pp. 2588–2597 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Stejskal, Dagmar Straková, Ondřej Procházka and Pavel Kratochvíl
Kinetics of the radical copolymerization of styrene and 2-methoxyethyl methacrylate
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 9, pp. 2656–2665 [Abstract]
The following names might also represent this author:
P Kratochvíl
- K. Kurzweil and P Kratochvíl
Initial stage of polyvinyl chloride degradation
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 5, pp. 1429–1436 [Abstract]
P. Kratochvíl
- L. Mrkvičková-Vaculová and P. Kratochvíl
Solution properties of branched polymers. II. Determination of the degree of branching of polydisperse branched polymers
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 2029–2038 [Abstract] - L. Mrkvičková-Vaculová and P. Kratochvíl
Solution properties of branched polymers. I. Synthesis, fractionation and characterization of polymers
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 2015–2028 [Abstract] - B. Sedláček, P. Kratochvíl and D. Straková
Light scattering in the system α-bromonaphthalene-butanone-polystyrene
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 970–979 [Abstract] - A. Červenka and P. Kratochvíl
Light scattering. XXI. Continuous investigation of some polymerizations accompanied by a change of the molecular weight by the light scattering method
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp. 1695–1707 [Abstract] - A. Červenka and P. Kratochvíl
Light scattering. XX. Continuous investigation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate by the light scattering method
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 9, pp. 2568–2580 [Abstract] - M. Bohdanecký, V. Petrus and P. Kratochvíl
The effects of solvent and temperature on the characteristic ratios of poly(vinyl chloride) molecules in solutions
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 1168–1178 [Abstract] - A. Červenka, M. Marek, K. Šolc and P. Kratochvíl
Study on dilute solutions of polyisobutylene in n-heptane
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4248–4263 [Abstract] - M. Bohdanecký, V. Petrus and P. Kratochvíl
On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. X. Extraction of polyvinyl chloride by solvents and properties of the extracted substances in solutions
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4089–4094 [Abstract] - Z. Tuzar and P. Kratochvíl
Light scattering. XIX. Correction for fluorescence
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 10, pp. 3381–3383 [Abstract] - Z. Tuzar and P. Kratochvíl
Light scattering. XVIII. The behaviour of polymers in mixed solvents
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 9, pp. 3358–3370 [Abstract] - Z. Tuzar and P. Kratochvíl
Some notes to the light-scattering study of solutions of polyamides in formic acid and sulphuric acid
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 2255–2263 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl and P. Munk
A generalized graphical interpolation method for evaluating experimental dependences of two independent variables
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 8, pp. 2845–2847 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl
On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. V. Analysis of the angular dependence of the intensity of light scattered by solutions of polyvinyl chloride samples containing microgels
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 1119–1128 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl
On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. II. Light scattering by solutions of polyvinyl chloride in cyclohexanone or tetrahydrofuran
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 11, pp. 2767–2782 [Abstract] - P. Munk and P. Kratochvíl
Streaming birefringence. IV. Evaluation of experimental data
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 10, pp. 2539–2549 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk, Š. Štokrová, J. Šponar and B. Sedláček
Protein interactions. XXXVIII. Retardation of aggregation of heat-denatured human serum albumin by previous heating
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 972–984 [Abstract] - P. Bartl, P. Munk, P. Kratochvíl and Š. Štokrová
Protein interactions. XXXV. Type of aggregates of human serum-albumin formed after thermal denaturation in the pH-region near the isoelectric point
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 125–130 [Abstract] - P. Munk and P. Kratochvíl
Streaming birefringence. II. Nomograph for the calculation of the magnitude of birefringence
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp. 2202–2203 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
On protein interactions. XXXIII. Degradation of aggregates of heat-denaturated human serum albumin by urea solutions
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 802–808 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
On protein interactions. XXXII. A study by the light scattering isochronous interpolation method of the effect of conditions upon the aggregation of heat-denaturated human serum albumin
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 788–801 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
Protein interactions. XXXI. Some properties of aggregates of heat-denatured human serum albumin formed under different conditions
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp. 115–141 [Abstract] - P. Munk, P. Kratochvíl and B. Sedláček
Behaviour of macromolecules in solution. II. Relation between viscosity, molecular weight, and radius of gyration
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 12, pp. 2992–3002 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
On protein interactions. XXIX. Kinetics of aggregation of denatured proteins
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 11, pp. 2806–2812 [Abstract] - P. Munk and P. Kratochvíl
Streaming birefringence. I. The principal vibration directions and the magnitude of birefringence
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pp. 1591–1616 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
Über Interaktionen von Eiweisstoffen XXVII. Verfolgung des Einflusses von Temperatur und pH-Wert auf die Wärmedenaturierung menschlichen Serumalbumins mittels der isoelektrischen Fällungsmethode
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pp. 1499–1504 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
Behaviour of macromolecules in solution. I. The influence of branching of chains upon the relations between molecular weight, radius of gyration, and intrinsic viscosity of macromolecular particles
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 5, pp. 1399–1402 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and B. Sedláček
Lichtstreuung XV. Fortlaufende Untersuchung der Änderungen des Molekulargewichtes von Teilchen mit Hilfe der Winkel-Extrapolationsmethode der Lichtstreuung
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 5, pp. 1274–1282 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk and P. Bartl
Protein interactions. XXVI. Delimitation of the aggregation region of heat-denaturated human serum albumin
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 4, pp. 945–953 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl and P. Munk
Zitratpuffer mit definierter Ionenstärke ohne neutrale Elektrolyten
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 593–595 [Abstract] - P. Munk, P. Kratochvíl and B. Sedláček
Über Interaktionen von Eiweisstoffen XXV. Einfluss von Aussenbedingungen auf die Wärmedenaturierung und -Aggregation menschlichen Serumalbumins
1961, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 352–369 [Abstract] - P. Munk, P. Kratochvíl and B. Sedláček
Über Interakaktionen von Eiweisstoffen XXIII. Wärmedenaturierung und -Aggregation menschlichen Serumalbumins in Phosphatpuffern
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 10, pp. 2611–2621 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl and P. Munk
Graphisches Ausgleichen von Funktionen zweier Veränderlicher bei physikalisch-chemischen Messungen
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1237–1247 [Abstract] - P. Kratochvíl and B. Sedláček
Über Interaktionen von Eiweisstoffen XVII. Inkrement des Brechungsindex menschlichen Serumalbumins in sauren Lösungen
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 9, pp. 3195–3197 [Abstract]