CCCC > Archive > Authors > Shuping Bi
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Shuping Bi
- Shuping Bi*, Jian Chen and Tao Chen
Investigation on Cyclic Reciprocal Derivative Chronopotentiometry. Part II. Theoretical Equation for an Irreversible Reaction
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 6, pp. 971–978
- Shuping Bi*, Jian Chen, Xiaolan Xing and Jiong Yu
Theory of Second- and Third-Order Reciprocal Derivative Chronopotentiometry for a Reversible Reaction
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 6, pp. 963–970
- Shuping Bi*, Hong Gao, Wei Tang, Zhiguo Yang, Sidan Du, Xiang You, Jiehui Wang and Mingquan Zhang
Fast Evaluation of Differential Capacity and Surface Charge in Electrical Double Layers with A.C. Oscillopolarography
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp. 371–379
- Shuping Bi and Zhengjiang Zhang
A.C. Oscillopolarographic Determination of Aluminum in Natural and Drinking Waters Using the Adsorption of the Al(III)-1,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone-3-sulfonic Acid Complex
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 12, pp. 1745–1753