CCCC > Archive > Authors > Stanislav Šabata
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Stanislav Šabata
- Jan Schraml*, Jiří Hetflejš, Stanislav Šabata, Vratislav Blechta, Jan Sýkora and Jana Roithová
Structure of Disilylated Acetoacetohydroxamic Acid
2004, Vol. 69, Issue 7, pp. 1472–1478
- Jan Čermák*, Stanislav Šabata, Vratislav Blechta and Bernard L. Shaw
Nickel(0) and Palladium(0) Complexes with (Z,Z)-Ph2PCH2C(t-Bu)=N-N=C(t-Bu)CH2PPh2. Alkyne-to-Alkenyl Conversion in [Pd(MeOCOCCCOOMe){(Z,Z)-Ph2PCH2C(t-Bu)=N-N=C(t-Bu)CH2PPh2}]
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp. 17–22
- Stanislav Šabata, Jaroslav Včelák and Jiří Hetflejš
Biphase Reduction of Heptanal and Cyclohexanone by Sodium Formate Catalyzed by Ether-Phosphine Ruthenium(II) Complexes
1995, Vol. 60, Issue 1, pp. 127–136
- Libor Červený, Stanislav Šabata and Vlastimil Růžička
Liquid-phase catalytic hydrogenation of unsaturated ethers
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pp. 3525–3531