CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Adsorption isotherm
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Adsorption isotherm
- Dorota Gugała-Fekner*, Zygmunt Fekner, Jolanta Nieszporek, Dorota Sieńko and Jadwiga Saba
Adsorption of tert-butyl alcohol at the Hg|aqueous perchlorate interface in the presence of tetramethylthiourea
2009, Vol. 74, Issue 10, pp. 1517–1530
- Dorota Sieńko*, Dorota Gugała-Fekner, Jolanta Nieszporek, Zygmunt Fekner and Jadwiga Saba
Adsorption of tetramethylthiourea in concentrated NaClO4 solutions
2009, Vol. 74, Issue 9, pp. 1309–1321
- Dorota Sieńko, Dorota Gugała, Jolanta Nieszporek, Joanna Jankowska and Jadwiga Saba*
Studies of a Mixed Adsorption Layer of Butan-1-ol and o-Toluidine on Mercury Electrode
2002, Vol. 67, Issue 11, pp. 1579–1588