CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Flow injection analysis
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Flow injection analysis
- Jaromir Ruzicka
From Beaker Chemistry to Programmable Microfluidics
2005, Vol. 70, Issue 11, pp. 1737–1755
- Armando Herbelin* and Jaromir Ruzicka
Pulse Modulation - A Novel Approach to Gradient-Based Flow Injection Techniques
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 8, pp. 1219–1237
- Jiří Vlček and Vlastimil Kubáň*
Gas/Diffusion Flow Injection Determination of Ammonium Ions in River and Waste Waters by Conductometry
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 12, pp. 1966–1974
- Petr Kubáň, Pavel Janoš and Vlastimil Kubáň
Gas Diffusion-Flow Injection Determination of Free and Total Sulfur Dioxide in Wines by Conductometry
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 6, pp. 770–782
- Vlastimil Kubáň
Conductimetric Gas Separation-Flow Injection Determination of Ammonia in Gaseous Process Streams
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 4, pp. 609–619