CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Nitrobenzene
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

- Jean-Marie André*, Denis Jacquemin, Eric A. Perpete, Daniel P. Vercauteren and Valérie Wathelet
Assessment of the Accuracy of TD-DFT Absorption Spectra: Substituted Benzenes
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 6-7, pp. 898–908
- Pavel Kubáň* and Hugh Flowers
Determination of Nitroaromatic Photodecomposition Products of Tecnazene Using Liquid Chromatography with Amperometric Detection
2002, Vol. 67, Issue 8, pp. 1181–1192
- Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić*, Milivoj Lovrić and Fritz Scholz
Square-Wave Voltammetry of Decamethylferrocene at the Three-Phase Junction Organic Liquid/Aqueous Solution/Graphite
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 3, pp. 434–444