CCCC > Serials > Tables of quantum chemical data
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Tables of quantum chemical data
- M. Tichý and R. Zahradník
Tables of quantum chemical data. XIV. Energy characteristics of some hydrocarbons with exocyclic methylene group
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 12, pp. 4485–4491
- M. Titz and P. Hochmann
Tables of quantum chemical data. XIII. Energy characteristics of some benzoderivatives of fulvene and heptafulvene
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 8, pp. 3028–3030
- M. Titz and P. Hochmann
Tables of quantum chemical data. XII. Energy characteristics of some benzoderivatives of acenaphthylene, fluoranthene and azulene
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 2343–2345
- P. Hochmann, J. Dubský and M. Titz
Tables of quantum chemical data. XI. Energy characteristics of some nonalternant hydrocarbon molecules and ions
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 3, pp. 1260–1264
- P. Hochmann, J. Dubský, V. Kvasnička and M. Titz
Tables of quantum chemical data. X. Energy characteristics of some polyenic hydrocarbons
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 4172–4175
- M. Titz and P. Hochmann
Tables of quantum chemical data. IX. Energy characteristics of some benzenoid hydrocarbons
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 4168–4172
- P. Hochmann, J. Dubský, J. Koutecký and C. Párkányi
Tables of quantum chemical data. VIII. Energy characteristics of some benzenoid hydrocarbons
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 3560–3565
- R. Zahradník and J. Michl
Tables of quantum chemical data. VII. Molecular orbitals of indacene-like and some peri-condensed tetracyclic hydrocarbons
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 3550–3560
- R. Zahradník and C. Párkányi
Tables of quantum chemical data. VI. Energy characteristics of some alternant hydrocarbons
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 3536–3549
- R. Zahradník and J. Michl
Tables of quantum chemical data. V. Molecular orbitals of peri-condensed tricyclic hydrocarbons
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 3529–3536
- R. Zahradník and J. Michl
Tables of quantum chemical data. IV. Molecular orbitals of hydrocarbons of the pentalene, azulene and heptalene series
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 9, pp. 3173–3188
- R. Zahradník, J. Michl and J. Koutecký
Tables of quantum chemical data. III. Molecular orbitals of some fluoranthene-like hydrocarbons, cyclopentadienyl, and some of its benzo and naphtho derivatives
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 12, pp. 3184–3210
- R. Zahradník, J. Michl and J. Koutecký
Tables of quantum chemical data. II. Energy characteristics of some non-alternant hydrocarbons
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 8, pp. 1932–1944
- P. Hochman, J. Koutecký and R. Zahradník
Tables of quantum chemical data. I. Molecular orbitals of some benzenoid hydrocarbons and benzo derivatives of fluoranthene
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 3053–3075